State Country
Comments: 5. The poverty presents two essential dimensions. The first one of them is the poverty that elapses of the income concentration, and that if manifest in the interpersonal differences of income, for all the Country. The second dimension of the poverty is the one that if express for the differences of income levels enters the parts of the territory that they configure the Country. This last dimension of the poverty is the consequence of the different endowment of resources to the long one and the plaza of the domestic territory.
The combat it passes, primordially, for the actions that objectify to integrate the diverse territories, also most remote, so that, through the exploitation of the local potentialities, effectively, has a process of local development that, mobilizing its resources, the enrollment of the contingents of force of work in the productive processes of these territories tries, giving, thus, a step in the direction of the combat to the poverty. 6. The differences between the diverse territories that compose the set of the Country are measured by the disparidades of income that if they evidence between these. The income disparity enters the territories of one same Country constitutes in a classic pointer of the territorial inaqualities of a Country. 2 Conclusion: The combat to the poverty and the disparidades of income passes, forcibly, for the territorial dimension, conquanto is clearly that, for this dimension only, it is not possible to eliminate the poverty definitively and nor to reduce the disparidades of income.