Automatic News
What great news – the more money. Do not recommend you use a special program Dle news adder for Automatic news feeds, as popular sites are protected from avtorassylok because its efficiency is low. Much better paid software to automate postirovaniya news is the program Add news 1.0. License Price $ 15, but the free version left open autoenrollment on news sites and there is a base for postirovaniya. On different sites about earnings at sharing services are the proposals to register their links and gain a certain amount in this account to get this software free of charge or at a substantial discount. For the most part, this is, of course, deception, designed, as always, to the gullible.
Better faster to make the most of these $ 15. Vobschem choice as always is yours – whether you spend 2 hours a day, posting news manually, or use avtorassylkoy. In the first stage, until you have no idea where to place link to the files offer you base sites, which includes the popular and highly visited sites with the ability to publish news with links for downloading your files. Later You'll be able to make his base for further fruitful work. Important tips to make money on sharing services.
At the initial stage, do everything by hand, to understand the whole scheme of this method of earning, the more that manual placement of and more efficient. Most popular sites blocking software for automatic placement of articles. Only then after two or three months it will be possible to use the programs to automatically placement of news, when you'll be earning their first $ 100-300 per month.