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And from these will be my final words: I, I leave my love behind. Rabindranath Tagore from the moment in which we appear in this dimension, we are subject to at any moment meetings will come up with places, people who, depending on your role will be integrated into one, where some will have more emotional than others, loads up very decisive in our behavior, behavior feelings will be generated. The truth, that these encounters will have much impact in our life, where many people play a very significant role, while we interrelacionamos us, within the time that is given us to share. Everything will depend on the emotional load that we place, let’s use, which represent each person in our personal growth. We know, that these encounters have their principle, but also have their own ending, we don’t know when these will last, but if we already experienced so far of life on many of them that the farewell aroused, for non-controllable causes, such as the physical disappearance, such as death, but also because even there his time was preset. According to the intensity with which this encounter was lived, the goodbyes will be sad, importantly, having been awake and understood the reason for this meeting, that in many we strengthened it, took advantage to its manifestation, until the end, that if we knew not what handle, can take step to dependence, and this at the same time suffering once it completes the time that is given us to keep it activeto share it. Many of these encounters have been positive, we have generated happiness, joy, Bliss, as others may not, however, they gave life to what we call memories. Many of those memories will be enjoyed when they are called by everything that encloses them let us, why they are surprised these encounters, the people involved, what represented, to what was experienced.