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Dewey States

Dewey States

Proposal of an anthropological conception for the Bolivian educational context i. contextualisation of philosophical anthropology the nature of philosophical knowledge can be adequately understood from understand it as a universal theory of human activity, that is, as a scientific discipline that studies the essential universal regularities of the active material and ideal both interrelation as objective and subjective of the man with the natural and social world. 2005: 2 (Serpa) We also note that philosophy focuses on the study of the universality of the human interaction with the world, both objective (concrete) as it subjective (interpretative and relative), and understanding that this interrelationship is a constant human activity whose function is bonding, processing and feedback to modify and search for the qualification of the relations human that they will again affect the linking of human beings with the environment and each other. As Dewey States on democracy and Education, pg. 272, philosophy arises from the needs and social life conflicts arising from relationships at various levels: body and soul, humanity and physical nature, individual and society, theory or knowledge practice or action.

Therefore, its ultimate goal is quite practical in the sense of defining these difficulties, creating pathways for possible responses, alternatives and pragmatic proposals. From the definition of the object of philosophy, it is inevitable to realize that all human activity is likely to be filosofada, analyzed, criticized and therefore have the potential to be modified. Thinking about our specific topic, namely: educational activity – as an expression of a society and the prevailing culture at one time – we see is crossed also and especially, by the filosofante activity. Educational practice is also generator of philosophical concerns that require nurturing the particular and fully human dynamism that boils in the same. This coming and going between theory and practice, arises a philosophical attitude which is embodied in the same human interrelations.