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Imagine IT IT-Forum

Imagine IT IT-Forum

The IT-Forum Rhein-Neckar e.V. and the VOI Association organisational and information systems combined their competencies. Bonn / Ludwigshafen, Germany, March 19, 2010. Both organizations have agreed to cooperate in the fields of regional positioning, promotion and transfer of Know-How. The added value for the members to resulting from common events such as local fairs, workshops and networking events. After the VOI and the IT Forum have realized their reciprocal membership in the last year, the two associations have taken this year’s CeBIT on the occasion to sign a cooperation agreement. We thank Hendrik Vogel, who helped with his commitment, our organisations to work together in the future more closely”, so Kai Waley founding member and board communications of the IT Forum.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the regional group of middle of the VOI e.V. in the premises of the Office of information technology forum e.V. in the technology centre of Ludwigshafen was transferred as a first joint step. Doing this will Imagine IT-Forum Rhein-Neckar economic region Rhine-Neckar and its network. Other objectives of the event are the deepening of existing contacts, discuss further joint projects and the fixation of concrete actions of cooperation. The IT-Forum Rhein-Neckar e.V.

The IT-Forum Rhein-Neckar e.V. is a network of companies and institutions, the media and IT industry in the Rhine Neckar metropolitan region. The activities of the IT Forum aims to develop the region to a location with a sharp economic profile in the field of media and IT services to the benefit of all stakeholders. This also the communication of the strengths and strategic development in the focus are in addition to the networking and profiling. In addition to the regular meetings of the members and those interested in the network also specific projects in the media and IT sector are carried out, as well as events for the promotion of regional media and IT industry and to the representation of the competitiveness of the sector in the Rhine-Neckar region. Include above the current 75 members of the IT-Forum all service companies in the media and IT industry, to get companies, the media and IT-intensive technology apply. To get more information about IT-Forum Rhein-Neckar, in the Clerk’s Office at Nina Schulz), Tel. 0621-595 70 501. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI – Association for organization and information systems with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry, the VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence.

The Respondent

The Respondent

This encoding scheme of the questionnaire could have the following appearance 6 (see Figure 2): questionnaire ID. (> code: id) F.: 1 gender of the respondent: (> code: sex)? female, (> code: 1)? male, (> code: 2)? no details (> code: 0) 2. Please will you tell me your age? __ Years (> code: old) 3 4 know you the bio-Hof XY? (> Code: hof)? Yes, (code: 1)? No (> code: 2) 5 6. We have talk now about this bio tuber. If you could buy this tuber, what were you ready for this tuber in to spend? _ (Code: zahlg) 07 figure 2: encoding scheme of the questionnaire the codes can in IBM SPSS contain up to 64 characters. For the clarity in the system with its tables it is advisable however as short as possible,”assigning codes. The characters in the code can be letters (Uppercase and lowercase), numbers, or special characters. The sign _ “or.” as the last character and a space and AND, ALL BY EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NE, should not be used WITH, TO, OR, emergency.

For the possible characteristics on the questionnaire you awards for reasons of practicality numbers as codes (ideally an ascending number sequence). When entering data into the system, the corresponding code is entered depending on the characteristic value on the questionnaire. No codes must be designed for metric characteristics (for example, age or willingness to pay). When entering data into the system, the specific number from the questionnaire is entered. Through this work, simplifies data collection and data analysis in the system and speed up. 4.

work with IBM SPSS, variable view, data view 4.1. transfer encoding in the system, variable view, labels, measuring levels of the farmer has now set his encoding scheme and will enter this and the data on the questionnaires in IBM SPSS. To do this, he calls the program IBM SPSS statistics.

Workflows Efficiently Organize

Workflows Efficiently Organize

New modular software system mobilises integrated the company now the Web-based enterprise solution Intrexx compact from United planet different applications on a central company server and thus addresses especially small and medium-sized enterprises. And the best: with a mobile device such as the iPhone, it is always possible to access the portal for employees and supervisors. Fribourg, March 30, 2010. Portals are more in demand than ever for small and medium-sized enterprises enterprise. No wonder, because with no other solution can be to make business processes as effectively and as quickly and purposefully distribute updates knowledge. With Intrexx compact Software House, run by Lexware founder Axel Wessendorf, United planet now presents a Web-based business software that is aimed primarily at smaller companies. Visit Amazon for more clarity on the issue. The complete workflow of a company can be managed using the software by default already offers about 50 applications and templates and is extendable.

So, the enterprises can manage not just customer data, but also sales reports and sales documents create, organize schedules and resources such as E.g. the fleet or drop also contracts and letters. In addition, specialized expertise can incorporate and complement at any time. All information is stored centrally in the corporate portal and can be obtained from each employee with permission and also edited. To quickly search is an integrated search engine available.

The corporate portal can be accessed using Intrexx Compact available via browser or via Smartphone. This is particularly useful because employees and supervisors also go out at any time access to the latest customer – and project data can have and in addition at all times actively intervene in the operational processes. Also data of already deployed software products such as the accounting software may be associated with Intrexx compact very easy on your smartphone (or directly in the Portal). Extensive communications skills are a highlight of Intrexx compact. With a single mouse click you can for example, tasks and customer appointments directly to the competent employees distribute including priority and follow-up appointment.