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Frenchman Jean Maurice Faivre

Frenchman Jean Maurice Faivre

This fact starts to favor immigrations comings of the European continent, these immigrants had passed to be seen as possible workers in substitution the enslaved man power. As the text of the presented report the State legislature of the Paran, in 1 of March of 1860, for then the president, Jose Francisco Cardoso, who express all concern in relation that moment where the practical one of the slavery does not obtain more if to support. Assumpto of that I go myself to occupar is without a doubt what more it has arrested the atteno publishes n these last annos. in the truth urges the adoption of tending measures to the supprimento of laborers and useful croppers. Since that the imperial government and the paiz if had pledged with tenacity in the repression of illicito traffic of slaves, and that conseguintemente they had been becoming scarce the arms, that in supplied commercio fellow creature to them, the sights of our farmers were volveram for the foreign emigration, as the only hope that remained to them, against the decay of the agricultural production. The duos recognized systems enter to facilitate the coming of colonists, are without preferable plea of the spontaneous emigration: the law of 18 of September of 1850 aimed at thus, commanding it the landmark of lands in order to distinguish the domain publishes of the particular one. In our province, over all, where the vacant lands abundam, it are madness to try the colonisao for partnership or wage. (sic) Inside of this social conjuncture and politics, the Frenchman Jean Maurice Faivre, doutorado in medicine in France appears, in the year of 1825, one year after its formation in 1826 with 30 years of age, disembarks in Rio De Janeiro. In 1829, Faivre, sample that dom of leadership has, becoming one of the founders of the Imperial Academy of Medicine, that after empire, passed if to call National Academy Medicine.

Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo

In 06/09 the governor of Paris, general Trochu, assumed the control on behalf of ' ' Government of Nacional&#039 Defense; '. Victor Hugo returned from the exile; 300.000 parisienses had been mobilized to defend the city. Trochu in the truth feared two enemies: the prussianos and the socialist ones of the laboring quarters. From 15/09 the city was surrounded by the prussianos. An attempt of general Ducrot to bar the advance of the enemy failed in 19/09; Versailles fell in the following day. From 23/09 a line of communications with the remain of the country was established by means of manned balloons. In 08/10 it had a rebellion principle to knock down Trochu and to install a socialist government, then controlled. In 27/10 they had left Paris the last foreign legations.

The situation becomes depressing: the prussianos limit to bomb it city they wait that if income; the parisienses wait in the inactivity that some army comes of the west to breach the wall. Meanwhile they face fomes and illnesses. But in 29/11 Trochu tries to breach the wall, without success; the fight was extended up to 03/12 around the bridges of the Marne; it had 12,000 losses. The cold increases the suffering of the civil population; it has enormous loss of life of children. From 27/12 new cannons of the Krupp they intensify the bombing. The animals of the zoo are sacrificed and vendidos to feed the population. At the beginning of January the bombing is still more intense.

It has chronicle food lack and coal. In 18/01 attempt had despaired to breach the wall with integrant of the Garde Nationale. It had 1,500 died. The new defeat provoked the fall of Trochu and its substitution for general Vinoy. In 22/01 it had new socialist agitations, with five died. Finally, in 26/01/1871, the city capitulated.

Arthur Virglio

Arthur Virglio

To understand the project of performance of these groups that try to hinder the progress it country and to bar the magnifying of popular conquests, are enough to observe that they are commanded by the perpetual enemies of the democracy, for the defenders of the coup d etat and regimes of emergency or exceo' '. The BLOW In the morning of 31 of March of 1964, the country woke up without imagining that they were to the eves of the beginning of the military blow that would install the military in the government for the period of 21 years of illegal and illegitimate command. President Joo Goulart took care of to the telephone. It was morning of 31 of March and it he was in the Palace of the Laranjeiras, in Rio De Janeiro. Of the other side of the line, senator Arthur Virglio spoke.

' ' President, the Almino (Affonso, leader of the PTB, the party of the president) is saying that she has movement of tropas.' ' Goulart consulted its head of the Military Cabinet, general Assis Brazil. ' ' The Mouro dislocated the troops in exercise militar' ' , the general answered. The president then came back to the telephone. ' ' This is thing of the opposition that wants tumultuar' ' , it said. Satisfied with the reply, Virglio and Affonso they had taken one whiskey to commemorate. Throughout the day, the notice alone would make to place water in the drink of the two politicians. It started to be clearly that Mouro (general Olympio Mouro Son) was not leading simple military games. Its troops marched for Rio De Janeiro with the objective to knock down the government. In boards of the city? what although not to be more the capital, it continued being the thermometer of the actions politics of the country and headquarters of its military command? , the periodical Post office of the Morning gave prominence in its first page for one

Brazil Vargas

Brazil Vargas

In other words Vargas it does not only depend being able on them regional separate. The speech the eves of the New State, is the unit, is the brasilidade. 1. REGIONALISM AND PERSPECTIVE NATIONALISM The year of 1930, in terms social politicians and is significant not alone for Brazil, for the occured changes, but mainly for the Rio Grande Do Sul, that inside of the optics of the Republic of the Coffee with milk was relegated to the second order in the status national politician. Ceased the internal disagreements in the Rio Grande Do Sul, between Liberators and Republicans, in 1927, Vargas goes up to the government of the Getlio State.

The regional union came to collaborate for the reinforcement of the Rio Grande Do Sul, of where the PRR and the liberators would take Getlio to the presidency of the Republic. 1 From 1930, the politics of Vargas would organize the power having left of the center of the national presidency, for states and cities for the hands of the interventors and nominated intendants to execute the administrative functions the control of the proper president. Thus Vargas finished of certain form with the politics them ' ' coronis' ' that they controlled the electoral corrals, giving to a blow in the regionalism politician of the great oligarchies that had governed up to 1930. But, however without definitively moving away them from the scene politician, only fitting them it the new Varguistas arrangements. With these measures it substantially changed the functioning of the system politician, it reorganized the canals of access to the power and breached with the administrative decentralization and politics of the Old Republic. This allowed new arrangements of being able necessary to take the handle the economic changes that would come years later. 2 Therefore at the same time where Vargas desestabiliza the models local politicians in the attempt to implant another model of government needed appeals to the union politics of the Rio Grande Do Sul, so that together with Minas Gerais and the So Paulo disagreements implanted ' ' revoluo' ' of 1930.



You already understood what she walks happening in the Arab world? Has idea why as much people is protesting in the streets of Egypt, for example? I go to simplify history pra vocs: economic and social problems had unchained a wave of protests in Tunisia and had provoked the escape of the president, Zine El Abidine Well There, for Saudi Arabia, after 23 years in the position, in what he is being called Revolution of Jasmin (typical flower of the country). With a similar scene, the Egyptians if espelharam in the example of the tunisianos and had been to the streets to protest against the regimen of the government Hosni Mubarak, who already reached the mark of three decades in the power. For who it does not know, Egypt is the main ally of the United States in Arab world e, therefore, what more it receives money from the Yankees. It is accurately there that deferred payment the contradiction that already is part of the folclrica history of the international relations of the North Americans. U.S.A. if autodeclaram the great guardies of the democracy in the world. They do not save efforts stops to demonizar countries considered ditatoriais and at some moments also uses its gigantic warlike power for ' ' to implant democracia' ' in these places. Not obstante, it closes the eyes for the innumerable African dictatorships, a time that stops the American diplomacy north is about countries where strategical interests do not exist (are read: ' ' there it does not have grana! ' ').

More still, they ignore the fact of that much of these men ' ' of mal' ' already they had been one day amiguinhos. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, without counting Latin American dictators in the decades of 1960 and 1970 (also the Brazilian torturadores), had all received the support from the Yankees when they agreed to them. The same he occurs now in Egypt, when she was necessary 30 years and a country in foot of war for the United States to pronounce itself in favor of a democratization. He makes me the favor! It is much hypocrisy for a country alone! He can seem that I am one of those Communists disillusioned to who only remained the anti-imperialist and contrary speech to that comes of U.S.A. He would go to move of opinion when discovering what only use jeans and t-shirt, I adore the combos of the McDonald? s, I lose hours attending the films and tinned series (Russian Renato excuse) I think seriously about learning to say English until the 30 years. I do not know if I helped you to understand what it is happening in the Arab world (in the truth a hook was alone that I used excuse, goes), therefore still it would have that to make aluso to the indications of that other countries as Mauritnia, Algeria, Sudan, Imen, Om and Jordan can follow way of Tunisia the same. Moreover, it would have that to analyze as this everything would drastically change the paradigm politician of the countries of Muslim majority. This of tranquilamente a doutorado thesis of, exactly that all the changes stop this way (what particularly I do not believe that occurs). However, my objective one exactly was to evidence the incoherent politics American north in these events, thing little said in the reporter and that it deserves greater quarrel.

Brazilian Laboring Congress

Brazilian Laboring Congress

The anarchists, for its extremism and aggressiveness of its leaders, had finished for gaining more prominence in the medias and the forms of repression lead by the bourgeois classroom. The tactics for which the anarchists had been known were the direct action; they condemned any type of participation of the work force in the consisting governments and considered the general strikes as form of desestabilizar capitalist system e, at the same time, as form to incite the spirits of the laboring classroom. The idea of the direct action age to catch the bourgeois classroom of surprise, at a moment where its industrial activities were paralyzed by a general strike. In 1890 it is created by a group of socialist the first Laboring Party of Brazil. This party carries through two congresses, the first one in 1892 and as in 1902.

At this moment the working-class movement in Brazil takes as vindicative guideline general flags not only of the Working-class movement but of all Brazilian Diligent Classroom: direct elections with universal suffrage, institution of the minimum wage, prohibition of the infantile work and hours of working of eight hours. In 1890 Brazil was an agricultural country still, the laboring classroom only started if to consolidate in the following decade. What we had of concrete in the working-class movement was the start of the implantation of the ideologies of the European left in the rising Brazilian unionism. With industrialization from the following decade, the work force of the country grows and structure its organizations. The textile sector age what possua more diligent: in the year of 1900, 4579 workers in this sector in 1905, 6298; in 1911, 13396; in 1915, 17978. Of 15 the 20 of April of 1906 are carried through in the city of Rio De Janeiro the first Brazilian Laboring Congress. This congress counted on the presence of 37 laboring organizations, had been approved in it teses of character anarco syndicalistic as: the performance of the syndical movement for the direct action without practical mediating, strikes generalities as main bargaining power of the laboring classroom.

African National Congress

African National Congress

Fight antiapartheid: the process (reverse speed) volucionrio. The period of the Apartheid comes folloied of the fight anti-racist in the South Africa. In 1912 the CNA- is established African National Congress, that was the first one organization politics of the blacks in the country. This age formed initially for egresses of the schools kept for European missionaries and its first leaders they believed the possibility of quarrel with the Africnderes on the segregation laws. In 1940, the CNA adopted then a strategy of not violent resistance and in the period of social World War II they had had some mobilization and strikes that desestabilizavam the order of the system politician tax for the Africner.

In 1952, Ghandi influences a campaign of civil disobedience, that has great adhesion and is restrained violently. In 1955, the racist front if extends with the Letter of the Freedom, revolutionary document importantssimo, also made with the participation of Indians, mulatos, liberal and socialist, marked a new phase in the movement of resistance and emancipation of the blacks, Asians and mestizos. This document denounced the Apartheid radically and aimed at its abolition and redistribution of wealth. It appears after strikes a more radical sector, inside of the CNA, led for Mandela and Tambo. In 1958, is created the CPA? Congress Pan-African, that was sectors of the CNA that did not agree to the multiracial politics of the movement and in the following year it breaches with the CNA. Both, the CAP and CNA, had organized national campaigns antipasses and the two organizations, with the communist party had together been ranks in the illegality. CNA created then ' ' mk' ' the CAP, ' ' poqo' ' , armed arms for the movement. Some years later, Mandela and other leaders had been imprisoned and Oliver Tambo assumed the command of the fight of the exile. The conscription of the people and the magnifying of the guerrilla were hindered for the repression and lack of support of the neighboring countries that lived under the domain of the allies of the Africaners.

German National Party

German National Party

The behavior of voters said the election campaign and the tactics used by the Nazis. Storm troopers and ss men attacked meetings of political opponents, beating activists of other political parties, intimidated the population of entire regions. Their actions, in turn, showed the weakness of legitimate authority, is incapable of maintain elementary order in the cities to protect citizens. Reorganizing his party (National Socialist Party of Germany – NSDAP), Adolf Hitler took a course on the legal seizure of power constitutional means. He skillfully used the fear of revolution, communism, civil war, presenting National Socialism as a factor 'order'. In 1933 the National Socialists won the elections. Military-bureaucratic elite has used its influence on President Hindenburg that he handed the mandate to form a government Adolph Hitler.

20 January 1933 he became Chancellor – the head of government. From this time began the rout civil society, creating a huge bureaucracy, the destruction of democracy, the total nationalization of the country. Already February 1, 1933 was dissolved the Reichstag (parliament) and March 5, a new election. Unfolded change the ruling elite from top to bottom: from the highest officials to professional Commissioner. All the important posts of the members of the Nazi Party were directed or supported it, despite the fact that the National Socialists were in government in coalition with the German National Party. Already in 1935, 78% of mayors were members of the Nazi Party. With access to executive power, the Nazis began to progressively reduce the political democracy in Germany. In was used as a pretext Reichstag fire, the perfect lone maniac, but took with him when arrested Communist Party membership card.

The Nazis have launched an open terror against his political opponents. Then Hitler succeeded Hindenburg signed a special decree "On the Protection of People and State ', address the underlying rights of citizens and provides unlimited powers of the punitive organs. Was thrown into lay basis of the constitution of the Weimar Republic the principle of separation of powers. Legislative functions were transferred to the government. After the death of Hindenburg in 1934 Hitler had transferred the powers of the president. Thus, the entire full power in Germany was in the hands of Hitler, became a 'leader', 'Fuhrer' in Germany. Was also carried out administrative reform, which resulted in abolished local government. Power at all levels into the hands of officials appointed from above. In 1933 all political parties except the Nazi Party, is formally banned. Such a radical break-up of public order and public life could not be accompanied by violence and spawned strengthening the role of the secret police state. Assault and security units have become part of the apparatus of violence. The country was formed secret police (Gestapo). Fascism has destroyed all who did not accept the system, even though he was outwardly loyal to the authorities. Office of the political police (Gestapo) had the following divisions: 1 st Division – Communism and Marxism, 2 nd Division – church, sect, immigrants, the Masons, the Jews, the third department – reactionaries opposition, 4 th Division – concentration camps, the pre-trial detention. Since 1933, in Germany there were concentration camps for the content of all the unwanted regime officials. Were eliminated major political rights – freedom of speech, assembly, the inviolability of domicile, correspondence