Video shoot of the climate protection campaign in Berlin successfully / hope for example effect for entertainment industry for 16 hours was filmed in the Tresor Club in Berlin-Mitte, and more than half of the required energy with special bikes by musicians and volunteers his kicking. The ambitious goal has been achieved: while otherwise spins quickly over 100 kilowatt hours apply to power, the crew realized the Rotary with only one single kilowatt hour. We have learned a lot”, says Director Stephanie of Beauvais, who brought their experience from filming for German greats like 2Raumwohnung and Tocotronic in the production. When organizing we have noticed how much savings is possible if there are good plans but also, what still needs to happen the industry in the environment, the entertainment industry can be just a sustainable it.” So, it is important to realize environmental conscious spins again”, because, as Beauvais, just when demand for environmentally friendly solutions, corresponding offers would created. Then the team next time can transport its equipment, perhaps with a more environmentally friendly natural gas bus despite considerable efforts it was not possible to organize such a means of transport for the rotating appointment in Berlin.
Less is more after the Rotary already has caused media interest, the campaign organizers hope climate seeks protection”, with the clip will make an even greater blast effect to achieve. “” We are totally excited by the video the consistent implementation of the theme associated with the modern optics show that less consumption not lowers the quality “, Steffi sour Ballesteros, project manager of the campaign says climate seeks protection”. In addition to the video clip is on also the making of finding, as well as a detailed documentation, where could avoid the team CO2. The power consumption for the shooting itself was only a kilowatt-hour at the end. Total 0.93 tonnes of CO2 has been expelled from the catering transport up to the power consumption.
Is common with approximately two tons more than twice. Despite all efforts not avoidable CO2 emissions are neutralized through the Foundation myclimate. The clip was produced for the Berlin reggae heroes mellow and Pyro from the Q film production, which has produced videos for the Sportfreunde Stiller and a-ha. Casey Campbell, who had worked for Annett Louisan who beat steaks and we are heroes, stood behind the camera. The Rotary was supported by cinegate GmbH, Grundfos GmbH as well as the bicycle movie project of the international youth community services. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science, policy and management, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. “co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection” (, the heating level campaign ” “(, the pumps campaign” ( and the Energiesparclubs “( All campaigns are funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contact: Falko Muller Project Manager media co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9. 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 2186-12 mobile: 0176 / 23 59 60 13 E-Mail: