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Socialist Candidate

Socialist Candidate

The Socialist candidate says that he is indifferent who has been negotiating with PP. Sobre a possible rrendum, ensures that he is with the Constitution, which sets the query in cases affecting fundamental rights. He has revealed that he had reservations about the reform, but these have now disappeared. The candidate of the PSOE for the elections of 20-N, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has ruled out holding a rrendum so that the people ratify the reform of the Constitution agreed with the PP. My position is that of the Constitucion and says that there are two forms of reform: with rrendum if it affects fundamental rights and without popular consultation if not so, he said. When not, is not necessary, he pointed out. Meet the Constitution is the position that I keep and which will keep the PSOE, said Rubalcaba. Also wanted to highlight the flexibility of reform, given that it encrypts the specific deficit not exceeding not It will appear in the Magna Carta, but in an organic law aside. In addition, it has invited Socialist fellow critics to read the agreed text, insurance that after reading many of these reticence will have disappeared. Who has reminded Les also in his speech proclamation as a candidate, past July 9, already spoke of the need for budgetary stability and control of the debt and the deficit. To his understanding, what distinguishes a right of left-wing economic policy is not stability, but what you spend you money. Rubalcaba has expressed in these terms in press conference, after that the two major parties have registered this Friday a joint legislative proposal could be approved by Congress next week, sets a budgetary discipline for public administrations without collecting specific figures. I myself had reservations, but have already disappeared, has admitted to being asked about the doubts of some of his colleagues of party, before insisting that the agreement is finally good for the country, because it captures an essential budgetary stability, a certain flexibility when come badly given and a European rrencia.

Several Hundred People

Several Hundred People

It goes from the Plaza de Cibeles to Puerta del Sol. With this Act concludes the protests that began following the announcement of the express constitutional reform to limit the deficit ceiling. The Secretaries General of UGT, Candido Mendez, and CC OO, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, led the March that started this afternoon in Madrid against the reform of the Constitution, which will put a limit to the public deficit, and ask a rrendum already. Under this motto, hundreds of demonstrators participate in this call has been backed by many social organizations and the 15-M movement, and that goes from the Plaza de Cibeles to Puerta del Sol. Mendez has warned, moments before you start the demonstration, that the reform of the Constitution can put at serious risk to the welfare state by increasing the social costs of the crisis, has urged the Senators to halt it tomorrow so or that, where it is not, will convene a rrendum.

It has been argued that the dnsores of this reform warned that It had to do with urgency to reassure the markets, when they say today just the opposite, as it has been demonstrated with the trajectory of the risk premium on Spanish. There are reasons more than enough to demand that this does not follow forward and, if it continues, that see the opinion of the Spanish people. Mendez has highlighted that this reform can be a before and an after in Spanish society and not to improve it, but to the contrary. For its part, Toxo has ensured that reform is unnecessary and cannot be used for purposes which say the PSOE and PP, as demonstrated by the collapse of financial markets in recent days and the new rise in the risk premium. Furthermore, it breaks the constitutional Pact established over thirty years ago and this measure ideologiza the Constitution and heel towards neoliberal approaches. Toxo has stressed that the constitutional pact has given great benefits to Spanish society since 1977.

CCOO leader added that this type of measures that have enough of despotism illustrated, what they do is accentuate the existing social crisis. For that reason, asked that if the Senate, as did Congress, validates the reform, will not happen anything by allowing citizens to express their opinion thereon by adding one URN in the polling stations on November 20. Among the banners that carry some of the protesters, you can read criticism of the economic policies of the Government, and phrases like: you Rompeis the social pact, they call it democracy, and it is not, include poverty, not. In the next few hours, will facilitate the number of attendees at the demonstration, with the data of Lynce, company that, through the computer study of still images and moving, posted to participants in human agglomerations source of the news: several hundred people are manifested in Madrid against the reform of the Constitution

Metro Movement

Metro Movement

Patxi has come from Asturias just to be this Sunday in Madrid and speak out for the future that awaits people young. What little we have achieved social welfare want to remove it, he said. Support the 15-M movement, although there is a risk, as it has already happened, that will filter out violent and distorting the meaning of the same, warned Pachi, who added: I hope that this has continuity. The real anti-establishment are politicians, who are those who have broken the system. Dove, carrying a banner with the phrase I wish to be indigna, said he had come to the fly by my future and that of all of us to protect it, dnderlo and improve it. The 15-M movement seems a necessary, unique and innovative mobilization, and although we cannot know where will address all this, will continue actively participating in it, he recounted. Southeast Southeast column column left Getafe at 10.00 hours towards the District of Villaverde in Madrid, Legazpi and Atocha, to finish in Neptune. At the height of Legazpi, the protesters numbered more than 4,000 people.

In this March was Ricardo Vicent, a stand of 34 years to stay in the street by not being able to pay the rent. Each can contribute their bit to this movement, he said. I claim especially the dation in payment and reform electoral and working, since I’m in total disagreement with the political class in this country, said Ricardo. This column this column marched from 10.30 h of the Metro of Villa de Vallecas to Madrid and its route included Sierra de Guadalupe, Alto del Arenal, Puente de Vallecas to pass by Atocha Neptune’s path. Puente de Vallecas joined hundreds of outraged that came from Moratalaz. In total, more than 5,000 people were concentrated from this point to March together into the center of the capital.

This column was marching Eva Conesa, 39, teacher in a public school. It came accompanied by her mother. I believe that democracy is undermined and therefore support this motion. Believe that with voting every four years is enough and do what they want with our votes. Today, all that matters are the markets and the economy, and the policy is to serve them, said Eva. Their parents are also involved in the movement. He was my father, of 73 years, participating in assemblies, who told me that you come today. Eva is opposed to the privatization of public services, something that affects her for her work. Also from Vallecas left Diego Gorraiz, 40 years and Professor of a Centre for the disabled. He and his family are in favor of 15-M: support the movement from the beginning because we like to see people were United and finally created a debate. We are still very precarious in the Democratic field. What is important is that citizens are the ones who have the power, but we have to believe us it. West column finally, the March called West began in the Debot Temple at 11.00 h to continue by calle Bailen, Puerta de Toledo Glorieta de Atocha, ambassadors and finally arrived at Neptune. Device of the Government delegation in Madrid police coordinated a large police presence, consisting of hundreds of officers, which were deployed from early in the morning by different areas of Madrid, especially in the vicinity of the Congress of Deputies. Source of the news: A tide of indignation takes Madrid and requests a rrendum for October 15

Secretary Budget

Secretary Budget

The PSC recognizes that their economic situation is complicated, so it sent a letter to its members in Congress and in the Parlament to make a contribution of 1,500 euros per person for the election campaign. The missive, signed by the Secretary of organization of the PSC, Daniel Fernandez, recalls that this extraordinary and timely contribution to the election campaign has a 25% bonus on the Declaration of finance. The catalan PP has also reported that his campaign, a total of 1.950.000 euro budget, has been reduced by 20% compared to 2010, adapting to the LOREG (organic law of the regime Electoral General) and the Decree of call. His greatest adjustment is in outdoor advertising (450,000 euros compared to the 603.000 permitted by law), although the largest expenditure is in mailing (900,000 euros). Private donations one of the formations that most reduced its budget in this campaign is ICV-EUiA which, with an amount of 500,000 euros, 60% lowers his expenditure with respect to the 2010 elections. The eco-Socialist Coalition has decided to limit the most graphic support, such as banners and brochures, and will make a very focused social networking campaign. As in previous elections, this party has sought liquidity regardless of the financial entities with returnable bonds in two years with an interest rate of 3%, or through donations from individuals, from 10 up to a limit of 1,000 euros as laid down in the law. ERC is another of the parties, together with the ecosocialistas, which has more lowered its budget, concretament 50% compared to 2010, and intends a campaign of 509,000 euros cost, not counting the expense of sending advertising correspondence (mailing) who have all parties as Split fixed and that ERC has encrypted to 850,000 euros.

The electoral campaign of Ciutadans (C s), that will be the most austere of which has starred in this match so far, has a budget limit of 200,000 euros. As explained by its candidate, Albert Rivera, his party is obliged to finance again this campaign through returnable bond and with workable microgrants from the web page of this match, since he has denounced, granted any financial institution the loan of 100,000 euros that have requested. For its part, Solidaritat Catalana per independence, has announced it will finance his campaign entirely with own funds as contributions of parliamentary representatives, small private donations or fees attached. See more: Catalan parties tightens the belt on campaign and will spend 8.5 million

International Trade Union Confederation

International Trade Union Confederation

The mobilizations against the proposal agreed by PSOE and PP and taken into consideration on Tuesday at the Congress with the support of UPN, begin today same in all Spain with concentrations in cities such as Palma de Mallorca, Valencia and Zaragoza. The protests will continue Thursday in Caceres, Badajoz, Santender, Almeria, Malaga, Seville, Pamplona or Guadalajara, among other places. Two major unions and other social organizations have also organized a large demonstration in Madrid for next September 6. For its part, the 15-M movement has called also a protest Thursday at 19 h. The calendar remains in this manner: August 31: rallies and demonstrations in Palma de Mallorca, Valencia and Zaragoza. September 1: rallies and demonstrations in Caceres, Badajoz, Santander, Almeria, Malaga, Seville, Murcia, Pamplona, Guadalajara, Cuenca, Toledo, Logrono, etc.

5 September: rallies and demonstrations in Asturias. September 6: large demonstration in Madrid. Rallies and demonstrations in Barcelona and Bilbao. 17 September: demonstration in Poland coinciding with the meeting of the Ecofin Council, convened by the European trade unions and as a rejection of European economic policies. 6 October: Spain anticipates the celebration of world day for decent employment with assemblies in the morning at work centers from around the country and demonstrations in the afternoon. October 7: celebrates the world AI for decent employment D. It convenes the International Trade Union Confederation.

Measures of work on the other hand, trade unions have been rrido to the latest measures taken by the Ministry of labour, including the adoption of a new training contract, you have qualified contract trash and a frankenstein of the model version German. The decisions taken in the Council of Ministers last Friday, has asserted Toxo, will be the failure of Social Security. For Candido Mendez, suspension of the limit to the chaining of temporary contracts represents a blatant contralectura of what the Government did in labour matters a year ago. The Executive said, is like a small cat that is entangled with a skein and is unable to leave and has ensured that none of these two initiatives will serve to improve the youth employment. Moreover, both leaders have warned against any possible movement against labour rights in order to attract and satisfy some groups in rrencia to the nationalists, who claim issues such as removing the ultraactividad of collective agreements (which will not renew automatically after its validity). In terms of social dialogue and its relationship with the Government, Mendez has said that trade unions have located it in the query and not by prudence in the negotiation, although Toxo has secured already not giving or for consultations because it is not only a matter of time, but also on reliability. Terms of reform this Thursday morning, at 14 h, ends the period for the submission of amendments to the proposal for reform and on Friday will be discussed and will vote in the Congress of Deputies; week that comes, the text will come to the Senate and once approved there, within fifteen days opens if there is sufficient support to ask a rrendum.

Movement Continues

Movement Continues

They expressed both in Europe and outside the continent. Young people mobilized at the Spanish embassies. They are protesting against the misuse that politicians are doing democracy. Concentrations in support of citizen real democracy movement were already extended this Friday, for the second consecutive day, outside the Spanish borders, with demonstrations in Prague, Budapest or Rabat. After the demonstrations held last Thursday in some cities of Western Europe such as Paris, Berlin or Lisbon, this Friday the protests spread to Central Europe.

In Budapest, dozens of angry youths gathered before the Embassy of Spain in support of the protest with posters that you could read phrases like: we are tired or can not bear more!. The system does not work. We have to change it the best that represent us all, said one participant, who did not reveal his name. Social networks similar situations lived in Prague, Warsaw and Vienna, all concentrations convened through social networks in support to the 15-M movement. It is not a rally against the Government of Spain, it is not against a particular party, but against the evil use that politicians are doing democracy, told Radio Prague Daniel Vazquez Tourino, one of the organizers of the demonstrations in the Czech Republic. In Warsaw, half a hundred young people gathered before the Spanish Embassy, to claim a democracy real, real, participatory, as explained by one of the protesters, Jordi, Girona student of physics. The demonstrators chanted slogans as we want a small apartment as the little Prince or they call it democracy and it is not, and showed banners with slogans similar to those who can see in the Spanish cities. Outside Europe out of Europe, there were protests in Israel and Morocco, and mobilizations in United States are preparing for the weekend. In East Jerusalem, approximately forty young Spaniards, mainly cooperating, they massed against the Consulate of Spain, after marching through the Palestinian district of Sheij Yarraj.

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba

The account opens this Friday, day on which Rubalcaba has made public that leaves the Government. Among their first tweets is that Rubalcaba follows the line of the brand: we are here to listen to your suggestions and criticisms and to listen to. The twitter of the Socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has achieved almost 1,500 followers in his first open hour. This account of the aspirant, @conrubalcaba, has been opened this Friday evening with a first message: Hello, this is the twitter of the electoral team of Rubalcaba, who then added a second Tweet: we are here to listen to your suggestions and criticisms and to listen to. It has been Elena Valenciano, the campaign manager of the hitherto Vice President first Government, responsible for encouraging to participate in this account, which has received messages of greeting and encouragement to the applicant. But also any ironic, as new generations of Salamanca that says: Although Zapatero view silk…unemployment stays, or another message with this phrase: coincidences between the Governments of Felipe Gonzalez and Zapatero: ruin, the unemployment, the PSOE and Rubalcaba. Source of the news: Rubalcaba on Twitter account gets 1,500 followers in his first hour of existence

Labor Government

Labor Government

The new contract is the best training contract that we had never, has dndido in the debate the Minister of labour, Valeriano Gomez. Decree-Law also provides for the temporary abolition of the obligation to make fixed workers who string temporary contracts for two years. CiU has also decided to abstain, despite criticism; result of the vote in the Chamber: 166 votes in favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. The Congress of Deputies has approved, with abstention, among others, of the Partido Popular, the last Labor Government reform; the result of the vote was: 166 votes in favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. The anti-crisis Decree, has dndido once more Minister of labour, Valeriano Gomez, includes two action Star: the training contract for people of up to 30 years and the temporary abolition of the obligation to make fixed workers who string temporary contracts for two years. Labour got in touch with the popular the past weekend for ask your support for the Decree, warning them that if it did not have their votes, would you be obliged to cede to the nationalists and give priority to the regional conventions, a promise that the Executive made the PNV to ensure their abstention when collective bargaining was adopted.

The abstention of the PP has prevented it, something which, as admitted hours before spokesperson Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, have thanked his party of Union forces. The new contract is best training contract we’ve had never, Gomez has assured during the debate on the recognition of these urgent measures in the House. The Minister has appealed to employers to use the new training contract because its cost to Social Security is zero and because they would thus demonstrate their commitment to curbing the high youth unemployment. Gomez also said the new contract of apprenticeship also results in increased productivity for businesses has ensured that bonuses offered the new contract of training entrepreneurs are the most important in the entire working legislature and pointed out that the cost to Social Security is zero for many companies and very small for big companies.