Several Hundred People
It goes from the Plaza de Cibeles to Puerta del Sol. With this Act concludes the protests that began following the announcement of the express constitutional reform to limit the deficit ceiling. The Secretaries General of UGT, Candido Mendez, and CC OO, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, led the March that started this afternoon in Madrid against the reform of the Constitution, which will put a limit to the public deficit, and ask a rrendum already. Under this motto, hundreds of demonstrators participate in this call has been backed by many social organizations and the 15-M movement, and that goes from the Plaza de Cibeles to Puerta del Sol. Mendez has warned, moments before you start the demonstration, that the reform of the Constitution can put at serious risk to the welfare state by increasing the social costs of the crisis, has urged the Senators to halt it tomorrow so or that, where it is not, will convene a rrendum.
It has been argued that the dnsores of this reform warned that It had to do with urgency to reassure the markets, when they say today just the opposite, as it has been demonstrated with the trajectory of the risk premium on Spanish. There are reasons more than enough to demand that this does not follow forward and, if it continues, that see the opinion of the Spanish people. Mendez has highlighted that this reform can be a before and an after in Spanish society and not to improve it, but to the contrary. For its part, Toxo has ensured that reform is unnecessary and cannot be used for purposes which say the PSOE and PP, as demonstrated by the collapse of financial markets in recent days and the new rise in the risk premium. Furthermore, it breaks the constitutional Pact established over thirty years ago and this measure ideologiza the Constitution and heel towards neoliberal approaches. Toxo has stressed that the constitutional pact has given great benefits to Spanish society since 1977.
CCOO leader added that this type of measures that have enough of despotism illustrated, what they do is accentuate the existing social crisis. For that reason, asked that if the Senate, as did Congress, validates the reform, will not happen anything by allowing citizens to express their opinion thereon by adding one URN in the polling stations on November 20. Among the banners that carry some of the protesters, you can read criticism of the economic policies of the Government, and phrases like: you Rompeis the social pact, they call it democracy, and it is not, include poverty, not. In the next few hours, will facilitate the number of attendees at the demonstration, with the data of Lynce, company that, through the computer study of still images and moving, posted to participants in human agglomerations source of the news: several hundred people are manifested in Madrid against the reform of the Constitution