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The Future for Christianity

The Future for Christianity

When it comes to Christianity there are a few categories: the Church and the Family; the family, with the essential characteristics that still they define today it, is not one ‘ ‘ inveno’ ‘ of the judeo-Christianity. It constitutes structural data of the anthropology of the creation. In the harmony of the universe, that presides over its evolutivo process all, the human fenmeno appears as climax of all the process and shows as the source of felt of all the evolution of the universe. The man desvela the secret of the direction of the cosmos; the man, since its appearance in the process of the creation, shows with a centralidade that of the direction to all the things.

This ‘ ‘ fenmeno humano’ ‘ manifest in the sexuada bipolarity of the man and the woman and also in this aspect the human being of the direction to all the vitality of the universe. Man and Woman created It them (Gen. Visit Sen. Sherrod Brown for more clarity on the issue. 1, 27). According to Bible, the man bred to the image of God is man and woman: two individuals, an only human being, called to the unit that states and announces the vocation of unit and harmony of the proper cosmos.. . Under most conditions Amazon would agree.

Holy Writs

Holy Writs

The children of Belial spirituals, those that, exactly inside of ' ' igrejas' ' they are mentally ill of the Kingdom of God, are ready to testify in favor of the current queen covets, it, exactly that its certification results in stoning and death of the innocents. Although it is opportune, to the times, to count a received blessing, ordered its to you to be witnesses, and not to count certifications in favor of gspeis macumbeiros that use its ' ' milagres' ' to gain money. Sen. Sherrod Browns opinions are not widely known. ' ' But you will receive the virtue from the Espirito Santo, that has to come on you; you will be me witnesses, as much in Jerusalem as in all Judia and Samaria, and until the confines of terra.' ' Acts; 1; 8 Virtue to be, does not stop speaking; some versions bring to be able, instead of virtue. To be witness goes very beyond having a certification to count. If, in a human court a defense attorney to obtain to demonstrate that one testifies mind, exactly that he is saying the truth on the judged subject, such witness will be disqualified in function of what he is. To be witness, therefore, beyond knowing the facts, demand idoneousness, integrity. these that turn facts, need to have its lives known before being accepted as trustworthy.

Mr. does not seem throughout the worried Holy Writs more in showing that he is Powerful, of what Saint. Who created the universe, nothing lacks to demonstrate in question of being able. It warned that many milagreiros would be of are of the Kingdom, but, never it said this of a saint. ' ' SIR, who will inhabit in yours tabernculo? Who will live in your saint mount? That one that walks sincerely, and practises justice, and says the truth in its heart. That one that it does not defame with its language, nor makes badly to its next, nor accepted no oprbrio against its next one; Whose eyes rprobo is rejected; but it honors the ones that fear the Mr.; that one that swears with damage its, and however not dumb.

The Reality

The Reality

For it I oppose this versicle says that all the things are naked and clear to the eyes of God, that is, as well as who this naked does not have as to hide the defects of your body for who this being contemplated such nudez, thus also no matter how hard somebody uses masks to hide your defects, ahead of God and as if it was naked that is without masks clearly leaving for God who in the reality it e, observes the text that if follows and knows that of God nothing is not hidden. Sl 139:1 – 4Senhor, you me sounding leads, know and me. You know mine to seat and my uprising; of far you understand my thought. You investigate my floor, and mine to lie down, and know all my ways. Without he has a word in my language, here it is that, Sir, everything you know. Coming back to discourse on you mask that they are used for some Christians to give in all the situation well where they meet. Some when they leave house to go to the temple where congregate mask place it of the sanctification, if it becomes an exemplary Christian, it however, goes to the studies, it participates of the saint supper and it makes everything that a Christian I legalize makes. But when he finishes the cult that it arrives in house and takes off masks it (behavior) it comes back to be what it and in the reality, when and married and a husband who maltreats the wife, and one I adulterate, spanks the children, and if wants fulfills with its duties of man of the house. When if he deals with children, when masks he takes off it of a good son who it uses in the church and the society where he dies, shows a behavior lastimvel, does not respect the parents, attend videos of ponographic content, practises sex that and condemned for God for being it are of the marriage and others many atrocities.

National Congress

National Congress

This fact mobilized the educators, religious entities and other sectors of the society who, during months, had taken some initiatives, amongst them the performance next to the National Congress and to the Ministry of the Education, in sight of the alteration of the related device. Amongst all the modifications carried through in Religious Ensino, currently, one becomes distinction between the education of the particular schools and the public schools, each one appealing its particularitities. Inside of the spirit of the new law of Religious Ensino, she is necessary to have present that it is not desired to give catequese in the public school, but to make an education that respects the cultural plurality and the religious diversity inherent most of our estudantil population. It is not function of the public school to educate the faith, nor to make proselitismo, that is, propaganda of one another religious confession. The objective is to present transcendente, as it is conceived in the most varied religious cultures and traditions.

However, we can verify that the religious schools already perceive that the pluralism of religious options does not only exist in the official net. Also inside of a college catholic, Methodist, baptist and others, it has pupils that they choose the educational establishment for different reasons of the religious formation. This beginning of affirmation of religious pluralism in Brazil, reality that tends if to extend in the next years, must provoke not a proselitista logic and of conversion, but the challenge of a permanent dialogal exercise.



So our beliefs are contrasted with one another and compare the beliefs of this increase or decrease its credibility. If a belief is inconsistent with the rest of our beliefs, you probably dismissed it as a valid belief. A good example of this mechanism are the dreams. Dreams are dreams and realities considered because they are inconsistent with the rest of our beliefs. Similarly an optical illusion (an illusion in road appears to be a pool) is considered illusion, not reality, because it contradicts most of our beliefs (the pools of water do not go away quickly when we approached them.) Making decisions based on our beliefs: Human beings are trying to increase pleasurable sensations and feelings and to reduce the unpleasant sensations and feelings.

For that we make decisions based on our beliefs imagining the possible consequences of our actions. In short, human beings feel, simple assumptions we make based on what we feel making such assumptions in beliefs, we try to make our assumptions are consistent, so we scrapped the assumptions more inconsistent with our beliefs, and perform actions based on these beliefs, trying to maximize our happiness. The actions are likely to produce new insights that will make us to expand or modify our prior belief system. Scientific laws are established and modified using the same mechanism of assumptions and beliefs contrast. After many experiments, the scientists established that two planets are attracted with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them.