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Misticismo, you knows what this wants to say? Because it is so difficult to define accurately what it is this term? Although few people assume or understand, almost everybody has a trend for the mstico side. Basically, misticismo is the search for reply, experiences and comfort using the reality, the deity and the search for the truth spiritual. The misticismo also is the religion and taken espiritualidade of form summons and staff, in its more intense way. Msticas people costumam to believe direct or indirect experiences very, comings of a world beyond or a contact the holy ghost. Through signals, physical or sensorial horscopos, messages and other experiences, these people find comfort and orientation pro its day-by-day. The mstico world, beyond its side extremely spiritual, also possesss an amused side and candy. Continue to learn more with: Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions. Astros, stars, fairies, duendes, angels and other symbols of the misticismo cheer in them through films, books, games and other things.

Many times, we obtain to feel hope, force joy through these magical symbols. How many times you wanted to say some thing for somebody and she did not find the words certain? To pass the feelings for the field of the Real, to the times is very difficult and finds some blockades. To facilitate these things, we can look messages with a mstico direction. They can say everything who always we wanted, but did not know as. A good source is the site Messages and Images, that a series of messages for Orkut possesss, divided enter the most different categories. Between all these livened up recadinhos, could not lack the messages of thematic mstica.

Available gratuitously, they are excellent to pass that special message for somebody beloved. You can send for the Orkut or even though for email, case you prefer. Full of emotion, them with certainty they will go to call its attention. Then it better uses to advantage and it demonstrates its emotions through beautiful, msticos and charming messages.

President Washington Luiz

President Washington Luiz

Many are in the power and desire stewardships and to take off advantages, obviously the exceptions exist. Many corrupt legislators are reeleitos partisan acronyms are used as rent, everything is made in exchange for ' advantages and barganhas' with the purpose of only taking possetion itself of the public money. In this dimension, the full and true democracy, loses its great dimension in our country. In what it says respect to the social aspect, this disinterest and impostures in the politics, atrelada with a economy where little importance has the human being, generates a forced urbanization, with sequels that disrespect the life, they take the degeneration of the human being that if submits the worse conditions of life, leading the subnutrio, the hunger, to the breaking of basic human rights e, finish for affecting the educational system that if becomes precarious and exculpatory. How much to the system of public health, security and leisure also are points that they need to improve and very. In this perspective, it gains emphasis in Brazil ' ' violncia' ' that it goes if infiltrating in all the aspects of the social, communitarian and familiar life. It is not enough to say, as President Washington Luiz, in 1929: ' ' the violence and the social matter in Brazil are cases of polcia' '.

She is necessary to search the causes of these conflicts: until when we will have that to coexist the social tragedies, amongst them on with the drug trafficking, the transit, parents who kill children, young who kill namoradas, kidnappings, cruelties, vices, lawyers allies to the crimes of its customers, ONGs who take off public money for illicit enrichment? In the religious aspect, a inconstncia between the people is perceived, who move of religion inhaled by the medias that they have mere lucrative ends. These are reflected of a society in crisis and look for to decide its problems for intermediary of the religion, making with that the person is mentally ill, without perceiving the context where it lives. The medias are manipulated by the ruling class, which if serves of the ideological apparatus, obtaining to pass the idea dictated for the rich countries that desire the advance of the exculpatory capitalist system. In such a way, they finish influencing the social behavior, mainly in the familiar structure and the formation of the young. The federal government tries to make its part, tries to establish programs to count the misery, illiteracy and to implant the inclusion and the valuation of the diversity; however, front to the described national reality above, still we coexist a people does not have a culture of participation and conscience of what it is common good; of this form this people continues being white of the media, the governing and the lack of a wisdom that the light one to understand true the sensible one of the democracy and the real changes that they need to happen. The necessary school of a new estruturao, contrary case will continue being ' ' part reprodutora' ' of an oppressing system that does not take the historical reflection of the real facts and its causes and consequences, either related to the past, gift and future. It urges that let us search in the debates and in the participation of the society we will find the solution of ours problems.

Social Assistance

Social Assistance

For meeting in the center of the dispute and contradiction of the capital and work inserted, we understand that the ethics do not lead to the overcoming of the alienation, therefore in the terms of the conception that informs in the Code of ethics, such overcoming implies the rupture with the bourgeois order in its totality. You may find that Charles Rangel can contribute to your knowledge. However, the social service for being a profession where the critical performance and one to think investigator a generator of practical attitudes becomes, second Baroque, 2004, is changedded into one ' ' … ethical feeling that complains justice and makes to emerge, of the indifference and the naturalization of the poverty, the perspective of transformation, the revolt against antitico' '. The social assistant for being inserted in this contradiction work and capital is the professional most qualified to take care of the demands of the social matter. Thus, to invest in the qualification continuous technique and to apprehend ethics in the context of the perverse logic of the capitalism are basic a time that the same is a on mediator to the social politics and mainly the politics of Social Assistance he is total inserted in this context being able to contribute in the processes that say respect the reproduction of the social life of its users.

Through the installment of these services that the professional intervines therefore, … can produce resulted concrete in the material, social conditions, cultural politics and of the life of its users; in its access to the social politics, programs, services, resources and good; in its behaviors and values; in its way of living and thinking, its forms of practical fight and organization and in its of resistance. (YAZBEK, 2004, p.14). The social positioning in favor of Social Justice and of the universality of access to the goods and services, programs and politics to all the citizens, as well as the respect the diversity, contemplate the ideological dimensions and politics of the professional formation.