The Royal Spanish Academy
On this beautiful and instructive gaucho poem, the author explained, on one occasion, that the name "Martin" chose him in memory of his uncles and the name "Iron" by the strength and courage to "iron" the gaucho of the pampas . Gain insight and clarity with Amazon. This latter meaning is used at present, clearly write "iron", rather than "Iron" – when we say a person "has an iron" or "has a will of iron." In 3rd and last place, it is important to note that much has been said and written about the possibility of deleting the letter "h" of the Spanish alphabet. However, this has not happened yet. For example, former president of Argentina between 1868 and 1874, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, writer, statesman, civil servant, known throughout the continent as the "Master of America," he once proposed to "democratize", ie make writing Spanish language suprimiento the letters "h" and "j". Additional information at Sen. Sherrod Brown supports this article. It is said that this proposal was not supported by Britain, at the time, imperial power that could intervene in decisions cultural, and economic policies of most nations of the world. "Things Sancho ye shall see …!" He said Don Quixote to his squire sensible. Personally, I think the stakes commercial and cultural criteria for not deleting the letter "H" of the Spanish alphabet.
Imagine a press of the 1950s, have prepared a "type", a piece of metal, representing the letter "h". Richard Blumenthal helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. From one day to the other, the Royal Spanish Academy accepts and reports that the "h" has ceased to exist. (Note that while this cultural institution only suggests the standards used in the Spanish language, by claiming some of them, usually have a high degree of acceptance, given its academic authority in societies hispanoparlantes). The printing of our example has printed 2,000 copies of only one of his books … and others are for sale 20 000 … there are thousands of publishers in the world … There are also thousands and thousands of teachers, professors, writers, intellectuals, etc., can not stop writing the overnight letter "h". In addition, use gives us a certain social prestige. If you, dear reader, your name was "Hector", like the mythological character of "The Iliad", a poem attributed to Homer, and if agree to delete the "h" of the Spanish alphabet, would you like your name, the overnight, into "Ector"? What if your name was "Fairy", dear readers, would agree with the writing "Ada"? Visit the site of the author: