Thomas Friedrich World Design

Thomas Friedrich World Design

What secular designers and architects with Catholics, Protestants and professors to do have a Berlin, April 27, 2010. The philosopher Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich speaks on Thursday, June 17th, 2010 at 20:00 in the Studio Wolfgang Beinert in Berlin about “What secular designers and architects have to do with Catholics, Protestants and professors”. Friedrich is Professor of philosophy and design theory at the Faculty of design of the University of Mannheim. Many writers such as Who owns Central Romana Corporation? offer more in-depth analysis. There he directs the Institute for Designwissenschaft. Dov Hikind pursues this goal as well. ASK to the PHILOSOPHER how shape Christian denominations of product design, communication design and architecture? What do Protestants and Catholics work? What consequences does this on a design? Is graphic design within the meaning of the New York school sensual, the Ulm school, on the other hand, cool and strict Protestant? Is Otl Aicher as a Calvinist Designguru? And what about Alessi design, working with faces, ornaments, wit and irony? Even erzkatholisch is Philippe Starck? Frederick theses, it makes sense, in General both in the Production aesthetics, as also in the reception aesthetics tend to be Catholic or Protestant design to talk about, not only in connection with church design, where this distinction is of course, but also in the secular field of design.

It also makes sense to apply this dichotomy to different design. This show can, Thomas Friedrich is a kind of conceptual Polaritatenprofil what is Catholic and what is Protestant. This could, for example, look: Protestants regard work as God’s gift, they heroisieren the work in a hectic events. And not only that: work has them hurt. Libidinos hour work for them does not count as work, because with such they not come naturally in the sky. Ask yourself: I’m happy with my work, what do I wrong? And the rest: idleness is all truck start and who is asleep, which SIN! The Catholics, however, generally regard work as God’s punishment. “Mei Ruah ham will i” (I want to have my peace), the Catholic Bayer says. He thus biased toward to the breakdown as to the hustle and bustle.

Work must prepare for him also joy and pleasure, she can be also libidinos. Ask yourself: I’m happy with my work, so good! The best is to do nothing and then rest (quote of the wonderful Klaus Havenstein) by doing nothing and the rest: the who sleeps does not sin! Developed a further thesis bound: great (encoding) as well as Designrezeption (decoding) can be mono – or plurifunktionalistisch or Protestant or Catholic. The purpose of design is as it were to be used by a user? This applies equally to communication design for product design and architecture. The designer can now its objects with regard to one or create multiple uses or encode to denote it with a semiotic term. This difference is between Mono-functionalist and plurifunktionalistischem Design. Mono-functionalist great and reception is the plurifunktionalistische great and reception for Thomas Friedrich rather Protestant, however, Catholic. A religious Polaritatenliste and prolonged on these criteria could be formulated here now shortened as follows: images are undesirable for Protestants (mono functionalism), ornaments and ornaments as abundance frowned upon. And it is the motto”less is more”and to hell with the sensuality, the cool, rational mind is important. Pictures are quite desirable for Catholics (Plurifunktionalismus) on the other hand, ornaments and ornaments are no problem of course as long as the semantics right. It is the credo: and more is more, and for God’s sake, Yes to the full-bodied sensuality! And let us speak at best equal in all the senses..

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